Wednesday, September 12, 2012

HTML5 - Change the URL without reloading the page

With HTML5 (compliant browsers), it is now possible to alter the URL in the address bar without reloading the page.
 This can be quite handy in many situations...
to try it quickly, run this script after the page is loaded:

 window.history.pushState("","", "heyIJustChangedMyUrlWithoutPosting");

To learn more, refer to:

A) The original article ;

 B) StackOverflow Post 1 and Post 2 ;

C) The Official W3C documentation .

 HTML5 is revealing its beauty every day a bit more!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Art and technology: visit the Sistine Chapel and the Uffizi Gallery in a click

I visited this places for real, years ago, and believe me, they're absolutely stunning.
But, if you are curious about them, and want to take a look without having to come to Italy,
just visit this sites and enjoy ;)

Sistine Chapel - 3D reproduction

More on the Sistine Chapel:

The Uffizi Gallery - visit everything !!

More on the Uffizi Gallery: