If, instead, you are already using, maybe you don't know a really nice object i discovered some time ago: the BeanPropertySqlParameterSource
The classic way to go in a query (or in an update) is to set the params one by one;
let's take this Person bean as example (id field omitted in this example):
public class Person { private String name; private String lastname; private Date birthdate; private Language motherTongue; /* Getters and Setters */ public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getLastname() { return lastname; } public void setLastname(String lastname) { this.lastname = lastname; } public Date getBirthdate() { return birthdate; } public void setBirthdate(Date birthdate) { this.birthdate = birthdate; } public Language getMotherTongue() { return motherTongue; } public void setMotherTongue(Language motherTongue) { this.motherTongue = motherTongue; } }
and the Language class referenced in it:
class Language { int id; int description; /* Getters and Setters */ public int getId() { return id; } public void setId(int id) { this.id = id; } public int getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(int description) { this.description = description; } }
(with Language values like this: {[1 , English] , [2 , Italian], etc...}
Let's say i've filled all the fields in the Person object, and i want to insert it into a database.
Its instance is named "person". Normally i would go with:
String sql = "INSERT INTO person_table " + " ( name, lastname, birthday, id_language) " + " VALUES " + " ( :name, :lastname, :birthdate, :idLanguage) "; MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource(); params.addValue("name", person.getName(), Types.VARCHAR); params.addValue("lastname", person.getLastname(), Types.VARCHAR); params.addValue("birthdate", person.getBirthdate(), Types.DATE); params.addValue("idLanguage", person.getLanguage().getId(), Types.NUMERIC); return namedJdbcTemplate.update(sql, params);
Imagine a big bean with a lot of fields, with every field passed manually... it's not really a good way to go.
With the BeanPropertySqlParameterSource object instead, IF we are taking all the fields from one object (and his inner objects), we can do like this:
String sql = "INSERT INTO person_table " + " ( name, lastname, birthday, id_language) " + " VALUES " + " ( :name, :lastname, :birthdate, :language.id) "; BeanPropertySqlParameterSource params = new BeanPropertySqlParameterSource(person); return namedJdbcTemplate.update(sql, params);
Not bad uh ? It will retrieve the specified fields (and types) through Reflection, including the fields value in the inner objects contained in the main bean. As you can note, the notation is OGNL-like, with the getter of the inner object starting with a dot and a lower case letter, stripping "get" from the method name:
- less code;
- auto-decoding field Type through Reflections, avoiding user errors;
- changes on query or bean automatically managed, without the needs of change param settings
- less customization possibilities